Soooo. About 2 weeks ago we were at the 'Wasen' or the annual big fair here in Stuttgart. Its kinda like Oktoberfest, except its a Swabian version. So that includes, dancing, singing, shooting galleries, fair rides, good german beer, people getting drunk and then hauled off by the police, and crowds of sweaty people. So here's some of the beer: Dinkel Acker Radler. Radler is a mixed beer drink. Its usually 40/60 or 50/50 beer and lemon soda water. Pretty damn good.
This is one of the many beer/dance/music halls at the fair. Towards the end of the clip theres singing going on. Thats called 'Ein Prosit' it goes as so: 'Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, Der Gemütlichkeit...' then repeat. Its a nice drinking song, and they play it every 5 other songs.
Lukas and Tobi. Oh ze fun vee haf.
Schwäbisch, the local dialect. 'Königsträssle' means little King's street. the umlaut and 'le' ending is a diminuative ending specific to Schwäbisch, equivalent to the more commonly known 'chen' ending. So for example 'bisschen' = a little bit, in Scwäbsich that would be 'bissle.' On some of the train stations one sees 'Bahnhöfle' or 'S-Bähnle'
Old time German and Schwäbisch. Hoim=Heim, (home). Kommet, I dunno. But the whole thing roughly means, methinks, Get home well (in english, maybe something like 'Have a nice trip home').
Jump back another week before the Wasen... We were in the Irish Pub in Backnang... I thought I had some photos of that, but can't seem to find them...
Now 2 weeks ago, one day after the Wasen... The 30th of April. Its tradition for the young people of the area to flock to a certain park in Maubach and get drunk. I didn't though.
The stock for the night. Haha no. I didn't even touch any of that.
Thats what happens at around 12 midnight. The police come, make the people under 18 go away, fine the people under 18 with high percentage alcohol, and the ambulance hauls off the people who got too drunk. Thats one of the ambulances. There were too many drunkards. They had to call in another one.
A very drunk Tobi.
Nadija, shes one of the few other people that weren't drunk in our group.
A random picture from school. 308 is our class home room.
Funny bread here. It looks like wood and is hard as wood. :P
Sorg night this week... Another Radler. This one's alcohol free.
Today I rode the SBahn to Stuttgart... Heres Backnang.
This is what the SBahn trains look like. This was in Waiblingen station.
Nürnberger Straße.
Bad Cannstatt.
The train pulling into Stuttgart Hbf.
Funny ad. The middle parts pretty self explanatory. Its a play on bad german pronounciations of english words. The red part reads: Visit us now! We'll repair your english. Christoph Straße 7, Stuttgart
Thats all for now...
2 Kommentare:
someone got a little bored with the camera? train stops i ask you ;]
but your german friends look like some cool kids. wish i was there to meet them.
i say you teach me german, and go back to germany, and take me! good plan, i know.
I know I'm the token worrier, but... Are you sure you want to post pictures of yourself drinking? I don't know about your exchange group's policies or anything, but I don't imagine they'd be thrilled to have pictures of their students underage drinking. It's your choice and all, and by God if you're in Germany you'd better drink, but you might not want to implictly show that you are drinking.
I still miss you.
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